Sunday, October 25, 2009

Move Back to Richmond

Passion. My favorite word. It only makes sense that I live in the state whose saying is LIVE PASSIONATELY. And so I think I will.

I was trying to wait until all things were official but after 3 months, I just can't wait anymore. YES, I have moved back to Richmond within the year of making this list! Richmond was also the 4th resolution I'd made for 2009 (I'm 4/5 so far). Not only did I move back, but I moved back pretty much to the year that I'd decided to leave. And I'd say in that year I have grown immensely. Through travels, thinking and well life, in many ways, I'm not that same person that left a year ago.

Many of you know that the minute I left VA I had been trying to return. After a few months of moaning and groaning about NJ, I had a moment of clarity. I'm in NJ, I don't particularly want to be here, but while I am, might as well make lemonade! And was it sweet lemonade...with a few bitter seeds here and there. But the time I spent with my parents, my hermanito, friends, the travels, the new friends I made...they wouldn't have happened if I hadn't left and I'm grateful for that.
My return to RVA was actually serendipitous. Talk about A) Things happening for a reason and B) Timing being perfect. Minutes after accepting my job offer I couldn't stop smiling and reminding myself that I had 2 weeks to gather up and head back! And through finding a place to live, settling into work, attending weddings, registering for classes, and so much more, I apologize for my blogging falling to the wayside.
And so to my beloved Richmond I write: It's so good to be back in your arms, I love walking your streets, seeing your sights, smelling your smells, eating your food, and meeting your people. I still have times while driving through your city with such comfort and ease and familiarity that I have to pinch myself to remind myself that I really am here, living it, doing it, getting it done. These are the moments bucket lists are made of.